30 Mai Could Social return on investment support strategic management towards circularity?
Social return on investment (SROI) is a methodology helping measuring extended value creation. It includes non-financial value, such as environmental and social value, generally not currently reflected in conventional financial accounts. SROI can be used by any entity to evaluate impact on stakeholders, identify ways to improve performance, and enhance the performance of investments. In the framework of the CESME Interreg project, Ecovala, in partnership with SROI experts, is prototyping a new approach that can facilitate the evaluation of a circular economy strategy from an extended value creation perspective. Is your new strategy creating positive social impact for your stakeholders? Is your value creation meeting the objectives of your regional authorities? The tool in its final version will be useful both from a micro perspective (for the strategic management of SMES) as well as a meso perspective (for policy makers to monitor the real value associated with their investments).